Before implementing a CCMS, you need to assess the readiness of your information architecture. Download a PDF of this checklist here.MetadataStandardized metadata categories and values:Consistent metadata categories and value definitionsClear source for metadata categories and values Plan for applying categories and values to topics, maps, and media filesContent LifecycleStandardized workflow (milestones):Lifecycle plan that supports the content strategy goalsAgreement by all CCMS users on the workflow and milestones for the content lifecyclePlan for CCMS (as opposed to DITA metadata values) to track workflow and milestonesProposed lifecycle that provides enough traceability for quality control and reportingContent VersioningStandardized versioning plan:Clarity about how to track changes in filesPlan for moving from DITA metadata version values to CCMS-managed valuesLocalizationLocalization strategy:Translation plan for each elementPlan to sparingly use DITA attributes for translation supportLimited inline content reuse Maps & TopicsConsistent map and topic structure and element usage:Identified map and topic purposeDefined structure for each map and topic by purposeIndividual topic files instead of composite topicsConsistent semantic elements usageMediaSuccessful strategy for media management:Consistent element usage to reference each media typeStandard set of attribute values for reference elementsClarity on media storage and how it may change references in your contentReuseSuccessful strategy for identifying and organizing reusable content:Clarity about which elements to content reference, key reference, and content key referenceStandardized conditions and values usageGuidance for which reuse mechanism to use for each intended resultPlan to organize shared content for easy access in CCMS
If you want to learn more about maximizing your CCMS investment with information architecture, consider booking a coaching package with Amber Swope.
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