EK’s Heather Hedden to Present Taxonomy Basics at the Virtual Taxonomy Boot Camp London

Enterprise Knowledge 09 Apr 2024
Heather Hedden, a Senior Consultant at Enterprise Knowledge, will lead a special Taxonomy Basics online event organized by Taxonomy Boot Camp London, which has been holding virtual half-day “bite-sized” conferences since 2020. An experienced instructor of taxonomy workshops and taxonomy/ontology consultant, Hedden was invited to present this special session comprising of two 45-minute parts, after which she will be joined by Taxonomy Boot Camp chair Helen Lippell for a 45-minute live “Ask Us Anything” session in the Zoom meeting event. In the first part, Hedden addresses what taxonomies are and why they are useful, and in the second part she discusses various components of taxonomy projects.  Taxonomy Basics takes place Wednesday, May 1, 9:00 – 11:45 am EDT, 14:00 – 16:45 BST. See the full session outline and register here.