Semantic Data 2024: Taxonomy, Ontology, and Knowledge Graphs

28 Mar 2024
In this year’s Semantic Data Conference, leading practitioners from multiple sectors share what they have done, the challenges they encountered and what they believe the future has in store. Covering: Taxonomy development and management Enhancing taxonomies to create ontologies Knowledge Graphs Applying NLP, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence Changing Roles of Data Specialists An essential one day briefing for data managers on the tools and approaches necessary to compete in the age of AI. For all Information Professionals, DAM Managers wanting to learn more, Data Managers, Knowledge Organisers, Data Architects, Taxonomists, Ontologists.   As a vendor, we have a representative at the conference giving a talk and waiting for you at our PoolParty booth.  For more information and to register for the event, please visit Semantic Data Conference 2024.