Webinar: Intelligent Content Services based on KGs & LLMs

13 Dec 2023
ON-DEMAND WEBINAR Intelligent Content Services based on Knowledge Graphs & Large Language Models WATCH ON-DEMAND  Speakers Eric Tengstrand, Vice President Global Service Solutions at Etteplan Helmut Nagy, COO at Semantic Web Company  Date December 13, 2023 Large Language Models (LLMs) are a hot topic, discussed from many different angles. There is a lot of excitement about what they can do, but also a lot of concern about how they do it. It’s one thing to let generative AI write a poem or the description of a talk (not the case here), but can we trust it to give us the right answers to critical questions or make the right decisions? The clear disadvantages of this approach are the lack of explainability of the results, consistency, and accuracy of responses, the need for large amounts of high-quality data, and the potential for bias in the content generated by the models. One possible answer to these challenges is to combine these generative technologies with knowledge graphs that can help explain the results and support the generation of high-quality data to train the models. The combination of generative AI and symbolic AI can ultimately lead to eXplainable AI (XAI), which can help us in our daily work.