I have argued before that a taxonomy is not the same
as a classification system, despite the original meaning of the word taxonomy
as a system for classification. (See the blog post Classification Systems vs. Taxonomies.) Modern taxonomies that are used to
support information management and findability are more similar to information
retrieval thesauri and subject heading schemes than they are to classification
systems. Another type of classification, the method of “faceted classification,”
however, does apply to types of taxonomies. I would not consider “faceted
classification” as exactly a synonym, though, to “faceted taxonomy,” as
not all faceted taxonomies are the same.
What is faceted classification?
Facets for jobsFacet means face, side, dimension, or aspect. In this
sense, facets are meant to mean aspects of classification. A diamond, an
object, or a digital content item is multi-faceted. A digital content item
(text document, presentation, image, video, etc.) has multiple informational dimensions
or aspects to it and thus multiple ways to be classified.
Classification is about putting an item, such as a
content item (document, page, or digital asset) into a class or category. If
it’s a physical object (a book) it goes into a shelf of its class. In faceted
classification, an item cannot physically be in more than one place, but it can
still be “assigned to” more than one class. So, while the book itself can be on
only one shelf, the record about the book can be assigned to more than
one class.
Faceted classification assigns classes/categories/terms/concept
from each of multiple facets to a content item, allowing users to find the item
by choosing the concepts from any one of the facets they consider first.
Different users will consider different classification facets first. Users then
narrow the search results by selecting concepts from additional facets in any
order they wish, until they get a targeted result set meeting the criteria of
multiple facet selections. The user interface of faceted classification is
sometimes referred to as faceted browsing.
History of faceted classification
The idea of faceted classification as a superior alternative
to traditional hierarchical classification, whereby an item (such as book or
article) can be classified in multiple different ways instead of in just a
single classification class/category, is not new. The first such faceted
classification was developed and published by mathematician/librarian S.R. Ranganathan in
1933, as an alternative to the Dewey Decimal System for classifying books, called Colon Classification (since
the colon punctuation was originally used to separate the multiple facets). In
addition to subject categories, it has the following facets:
Personality – topic or orientationMatter – things or materialsEnergy – actionsSpace – places or locationsTime – times or time periods
Although it was not adopted widely internationally due
to its complexities in the pre-digital era, colon classification has been used
by libraries in India.
In the late 20th century, digital library research
systems based on databases enabled faceted classification and search, with
different fields of a database record represented in different search facets. Users
interacted with through an “advanced search” form of multiple fields. Faceted
classification and browsing gained widespread adoption with the advancement of interactive
user interfaces on websites and in web applications in the late 1990s and early
2000s. Thus, facets started being displayed in more user-friendly ways that
were no longer “advanced.”
Structure of facets
It’s not necessary to follow Ranganathan’s
suggested five facets, but that’s a good way to get thinking about faceted
classification. Another way to look at faceted classification is to consider a
facet for each of various question words: What, Who, Where, When
kind of thing is it – content typeWhat
is it primarily about - subject
Who is
it for or concerns – audience or user group
is it for/applicable, or where it depicts (media) – geographic region
When it
is about – event or season (not date of creation, which is administrative
metadata, instead of a taxonomy concept)
The additional question words of “why” and “how”
are relevant in some cases, but less common. An individual content item typically
does not address all of these questions, but usually addresses more than one. When
creating facets, most of the facet types should be applicable to most of the
content types.
Another good way to think about faceted
classification is to put the word “by” after each facet, to suggest
classification and filtering “by” the aspect type. A logical and practical
number of facets tends to be in the range of three to seven.
A standard feature of facets is that they are
mutually exclusive. A concept/type belongs to only one facet. This is typical
practice for the design of classification systems. The difference is that in faceted
classification it is merely the concept/type/term that belongs to just one
facet, not the content item or thing itself that would belong to only one
classification in traditional classification systems.
When a faceted taxonomy is not for classification
The design, implementation and use of facets to
construct or refine searches has become so popular that it is no longer used just
for classification aspects. Rather, a faceted taxonomy design may be used for
any faceted grouping of concepts for search or metadata types that are relevant
for the content and users.
Faceted classification is intended to classify things
that share all the same facets. For example, all technical documentation
content has a product, feature, issue, and content type, so these are faceted
classifications. But with more heterogeneous content, facets are not universally
shared. While the facets may still be useful tool, it would be best not call it
faceted classification when facets are applicable to only some content types.
While faceted classification tends to be quite limited
in the number of its facets, non-classification faceted taxonomies, whether
based on subject types or separate controlled vocabularies, could result in a
rather large number of facets.
Faceted taxonomies that would not be considered
faceted classification include those where multiple facets are created for
organizing and breaking down subjects or when multiple facets are created for
reflecting multiple different controlled vocabularies. These faceted taxonomies
stretch the meaning of “facet,” since the facets are not necessarily faces,
dimensions, or aspects, but simply “types” suitable for filtering.
Facets for organizing subjects
In faceted classification we assign an object or
content item to multiple different classes. However, for classification, these
classes are relevant to the content item as a whole. This contrasts with
indexing or tagging for subjects or names of relevance that occur within
a text or are depicted within a media asset. These names and subjects
can be grouped into facets for filtering/limiting search results, without being
about the “classification” of the content item. This is common for specialized subject areas. Faceted
taxonomies provide a form of guided navigation and are easier to browse and use
than deep hierarchical taxonomies, so a large “subject” taxonomy could be
broken down into specific subject-type facets.
Examples of specific subject-type facets include:Organization typesProduct
The “Topics” facet is then used for the leftover
generic subject concepts that do not belong in any of the other specialized
facets. Unlike faceted classification, each facet is applicable to only some
content items.
Any content item could be tagged with any number of
concepts from any number of these facets. The facets make it easier for user to
find taxonomy concepts and combine them. But the facets are not for
“classifying” the content.
While faceted taxonomies should also ideally be
mutually exclusive, in contrast to the principle of faceted classification, the
occasional exception of a concept belonging to more than one subject-type facet
(question word of “What”) does not create a problem in search. For example, the
same concept Data catalogs, could be in the facet Product Types and
Technologies, as long as this type of polyhierarchy is kept to a minimum to
avoid confusion. This would not be considered a case of classic polyhierarchy, because
it’s not simply a matter of different broader concepts, but rather different facets
or concept schemes. It is an attempt to address a different focus or approach
to the topic that results it being in more than one facet, offering an
additional starting point for searchers.
Facets for organizing controlled vocabularies
Faceted filters/refinement may be based on different
controlled vocabulary types: one or more of term lists, name authorities, and
subject thesauri/taxonomies. The “facets” are based on how the set of multiple
controlled vocabularies is organized rather than based on “aspects” of the
Facets could be used for any controlled vocabulary
filters that are logical, such as:
Named people (mentioned/discussed)Organizations
departments, units (mentioned/discussed)
works/document titles (mentioned/discussed)
Because these facets reflect controlled vocabularies
of concepts used to tag content for relevant occurrences of the subject/name
and not for classification of the content, this kind of faceted taxonomy would
not be considered faceted classification. There could, however, be additional faceted
classification types, such as content type.
The Topics facet could contain a large hierarchical
taxonomy or thesaurus. As such, this faceted search/browse structure, may not
even be considered a “faceted taxonomy,” but rather merely a faceted search
interface to a set of taxonomies. Thus, there is even a nuanced difference between
a faceted browse UI that utilizes at taxonomy (among other controlled vocabularies),
and a “faceted taxonomy.”
Facets for heterogeneous content
Finally, whether a faceted taxonomy is considered an
implementation of faceted “classification” or not may depend on the context and
type of content. If the content is homogeneous and all items share the same
facets, then it may be considered faceted classification, but if the content is
heterogeneous, and the facets are only relevant to some content, then it would
not be considered classification.
Consider the following example of specialized
subject-based facets for the field of medicine:
Diseases or conditionsBody parts (anatomy)Sign
and symptoms
population types
If all the content comprised just clinical case
studies, then these facets actually could be considered faceted classification,
since they all apply to nearly all the content and are aspects of the content. The
content is classified by these facets. On the other hand, if the content dealt
with all kinds of documents that had something to do with health or medicine,
then these facets would not be for classification of the content but rather
just for grouping of subjects for search filters.
When faceted classification is not a taxonomy
Attributes for computersFinally,
I would not consider all faceted structures to be faceted taxonomies.
are primarily for subjects and may include named entities. Content types/document
types may also be included in the scope of taxonomy. There exists additional
metadata that may be desired for filtering/refining searches that is out of
scope of a definition of taxonomy. This includes date published/uploaded, file
format, author/creator, document/approval status, etc. If it is important to the
end users, these additional metadata properties could be included among the browsable
facets and be considered classification aspects.
Attributes are a form of faceted classification, but a set of
attributes is not really a faceted taxonomy. Often ecommerce taxonomies are
presented as examples of faceted taxonomies. In fact, ecommerce taxonomies tend
to be hierarchical, as they present categories and subcategories of types of
products for the users to browse. At lower, more specific levels of the
hierarchy, the user then has the additional option to narrow the results
further by selecting values from various attributes that are shared among the
products within the same product category. These include color, size/dimensions,
price range, and product-specific features. I would not consider numeric values
to be a taxonomy, but some attributes, such as for features, are more within the
realm of taxonomies. Whether these should be called facets or attributes is a
matter of debate. More about attributes is discussed in my past blog post
“Attributes in Taxonomies.”
Not all faceted taxonomies are faceted classifications, but some
are. Not all faceted classifications are taxonomies, but some are. The
differences are nuanced, and end-users may not care nor need to know these
naming distinctions, as long as the taxonomist should. Having a deep understanding of
facets helps taxonomists and information architects design the facets better. The goal is to serve the
users with the most suitable faceted design to serve their needs and
accommodate the set of content.