A and B are related; C and D are related.Taxonomies and thesauri are characterized
by having hierarchical relationships linking their terms. The associative
relationship (or related concept, Related Term, or RT), on the other hand, is
a fundamental feature of thesauri, but it is merely an optional feature of
taxonomies. An over-simplistic distinction between taxonomies and thesauri is
the presence of associative relationships, although I would disagree, because taxonomies
can have associative relationships, and there are other structural design
differences between taxonomies and thesauri. (See my past blog posts Taxonomies vs. Thesauri
and Taxonomies vs. Thesauri: Practical Implementations)The associative (related) relationship is a generic, nonhierarchical, symmetrical (same in both directions), reciprocal relationship between pairs of terms/concepts in a thesaurus or taxonomy. "Related concept" actually refers to a kind of relationship, not a kind of concept. The following figure illustrates that Data protection and Privacy are related. It is true that many taxonomies do not have
associative relationships. This is for various reasons. The function of the
taxonomy in the user interface may not require the support of related concepts,
such as when the taxonomy is displayed only as facets for refining results or only as
type-ahead taxonomy term suggestions when a user enters a search string into a
search box. The taxonomy may be implemented in a system (such as a commercial
off-the-shelf content management system or SharePoint) that does not support
the links/navigating to related concepts in the user interface. A taxonomy may be
too small to make beneficial use of associative relationships if most of the
taxonomy can quickly be browsed and seen. Finally, and perhaps of the greatest
potential significance, is that relationships across different types of
concepts can instead be
better supported with customized semantic relationships based on custom schema
and ontologies, which can be applied to a taxonomy. For example, having Physicians practice Medicine and Medicine isPracticedBy Physicians, instead of Physicians related Medicine.
It is not so much the presence but rather
the extent of associative relationships that also distinguishes thesauri
from taxonomies. In a traditional
thesaurus, associative relationships are as prolific as hierarchical
relationships, and perhaps even more so, and they occur between terms of all
different kinds and different types of relatedness. The thesaurus standards
(ANSI/NISO Z39.19 and ISO 25964-1) provide a list of possible types of
associative relationships (process and agent, action and target, cause and
effect, object and property, object and origins, and discipline and object,
among many others). When taxonomies have associative relationships, they tend
to be limited to only certain categories, facets, or concept schemes of the taxonomy.
Related Concepts and SKOS Concept Schemes
Most taxonomies these days, if they are of
any significant size (hundreds or thousands of concepts) and intended for use
in more than one application, are created in the SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization
System) data model. (Smaller taxonomies might be created in a spreadsheet and
imported into a content management system.) The highest level of organizational
structure in SKOS is the concept scheme. SKOS-based taxonomy management
software will group and display multiple concept schemes together in a single
“project” or “knowledge model,” which is intended for a single business use, set
of content, user audience, or implementation (with some overlap of multiple use
cases acceptable). While SKOS does not provide any recommendation on what you
should use concept schemes for, it has become common practice to designate a
concept scheme for a taxonomy facet or a metadata property/field. Even when concept schemes are not currently
implemented as facets, they might be in the future, so it is good practice to
created concept schemes to represent facets. The structure of concept schemes representing
facets is also is also a good organizing principle for constructing any
taxonomy. Concept schemes also tend to reflect top-level “classes” of
ontologies (although not the very esoteric top class of “Thing”).
SKOS permits the creation of related
concept relationships both within and between concept schemes. SKOS also has
mapping relationships called matching properties, including relatedMatch, for
use between concept schemes, whether they are in the same “project” (sharing
the same, initial, domain part of a URI) or not. The option to use either
related or relatedMatch across concept schemes of the same project can be a
source of confusion.
Best Practices for SKOS Related Concepts
If you are implementing concept schemes
each as a facet/filter/refinement in a user interface, then it is best practice
not create associative (related) relationships between concepts in different
concept schemes. Facets function as mutually exclusive aspects or dimensions of
content items and queries. Any “relatedness” is implicit based on the search
results, but not from the taxonomy itself, which should be flexible to allow
any combination of concepts from facets and not prescribe relatedness. For
example, a user may want to filter a search on movies by which movies meet
selected criteria (facets) of a chosen genre, actor, director, topical theme, and
country of production, and the result set will implicitly indicate in which movies
where these aspects are related.
Enriching a taxonomy with the semantics of
an ontology, in addition to supporting additional data attributes (such as
movie production year, actor nationality and birth date, etc.), supports
connections across concept types that can be utilized in a front-end
application. The user can search not only for movies, but also search for other
entities, such as actors (who appear in movies of a certain genre directed by a
certain director), or directors (who directed movies on certain themes from
certain countries), etc. This involved
creating customized, semantic relationships between classes which correspond to
the concept schemes: Actor performsIn Movie title and Movie
title hasActor Actor, Movie title isProducedIn Country
and Country isOriginOf Movie title, etc. These semantic
relationships, of course, make any generic SKOS related relationships across
the concept schemes unnecessary, redundant, and rather meaningless.
Thus, regardless of the use of your concept
schemes, the related concept relationship is best not used between concepts in
different concept schemes. Rather, the related concept relationship is better
used between concepts within a concept scheme, especially topical
(subject) concepts, for example, relating the concepts Data quality and Quality
management. Relatedness between named entities within a concept scheme, on
the other hand, such as concept schemes for People, Organizations, and
Geographic places, is best left to be implicit from the retrieved content and
not prescribed in a taxonomy, which may be dependent on the content, change
over time, and be too subjective.
Even if the current end-user application of
a taxonomy does not support user interaction with related links, associative
relationships can support tagging, both manual and automated. Finally, a taxonomy
typically has a longer life than a single application, so incorporating in
related concept relationships while the taxonomy is being built and regularly
maintained is a good practice for the future use of the taxonomy.